Operation Asphalt



Please help us raise funds to re-asphalt the pavement at Camp Discovery

Camp Discovery, proudly supported by the Tennessee JCI Senate and the Tennessee Jaycee Volunteer Corps., is excited to kick off Operation Asphalt. As we celebrate our 41st year, we reflect on the dream that has transformed into four decades of service.  We have proudly served thousands of mentally and physically challenged individuals, with over 300 campers last year alone.

Our camp’s roads and wheelchair trails, initially donated by the State of Tennessee, are now in urgent need of resurfacing after 40 years. We have reached a point where we are teaching our staff to maneuver our wheelchairs and walkers around the cracks and crevices, signaling it is time to act.

We are reaching out to you, our valued supporters, for help. Below there are pictures to illustrate the need. The entire project is estimated to cost around $40k. With the help of our good friends at the Rogers Group, and a few other corporate donations, we have already raised around $20k in donations. Now, we are hoping and counting on you, Jaycees, JCI Senators, and Volunteer Corps. members, to help us to reach our goal and continue serving our campers in the best way, we can.

We realize times are tough, but if everyone will pitch in and give just a little, we can make our goal come true. Our campers deserve no less.